Monday, August 18, 2008

Mainers for American Oil - Let's Start Here, Let's Start Now

Our Maine summer always seems to fly by much too quickly, but this year, the looming fall and winter are taking on a whole new meaning. With high prices at the pump, many Maine families may have tabled their regular summer vacations, and are now are facing a cold truth - it will cost them at least twice as much to heat their homes this year than last. No one needs to tell you - the rising cost of oil is hitting Maine families hard. In fact, we have the highest percentage of oil-heated homes in the country at 80%. No one should have to choose between keeping their family warm and keeping them fed, filling their tank or filling their prescriptions, paying an energy bill or paying a tuition bill.

In the next 15-20 years America’s objective must be to become as close to energy independent as possible - it’s crucial to both our economic security and our national security. And, here’s the good news: we can do it. This country was built on American ambition and the goal of self-sufficiency - I have faith in our ability to solve our energy problems here at home with the valuable resources available to us, starting with the untapped billions of barrels of American oil.

This isn’t a Republican issue, it’s not a Democratic issue, it’s not a liberal nor a conservative issue - it’s an American issue, and one on which we must take action NOW. We don’t have the luxury of wasting time by pointing fingers, politicking or avoiding tough votes. Americans need - and deserve - a commitment to finding solutions. What Americans need is a comprehensive energy plan that balances our short-term needs and long-term goals. For example, the use of wind technology is a great step towards making clean and renewable energy more readily available, but it’s not going to fuel your car anytime soon, or bring down the price of your heating oil this winter, or the next. The cold hard truth is that oil as a base form of power is here to stay for a while and therefore, America must increase its domestic oil supply in an environmentally safe way, while at the same time developing alternative energy sources, and, just as importantly, encouraging conservation.

You’re probably tired of the blur of energy proposals coming from politicians of every kind, but I believe the most effective approach can be quite simple, based on common sense and a commitment to taking immediate action to tap into – and maximize – the resources at our fingertips:

American Oil
Again, our first and immediate step needs to be drilling for American oil here in the U.S. Why would we not want to tap into the estimated 900 billion barrels of our own oil under the surface of our own country and off our coasts when there are reserves that can be safely and cleanly accessed? “But, it may take years until we are able to get that oil,” you may have heard. Well, if we had begun the process years ago, we may not be in the crisis we are today. In the short-term, announcing to the world that we are willing to look for oil wherever it exists in America will have a chilling effect on the oil speculation market - thus decreasing the price at the pump. In the longer-term, increasing the supply of our own oil will significantly reduce the cost of filling our tanks and heating our homes, not to mention reduce the dependence on foreign oil that is also a threat to our national security.

American Ingenuity
What’s our best resource when it comes to energy for our future? It’s the know-how of American entrepreneurs, scientists and experts. Let’s give them the tools, the access, the incentives, to get to work in continuing to develop alternative energy sources, including offering tax credits that make new facilities and research opportunities more affordable. At the same time we increase our domestic supply of oil - I’m committed to fostering the development of other innovative, renewable energy sources, including clean coal, solar, wind, and nuclear. By increasing both the supply and the diversity of fuels we use - and adopting technologies that allow us to use those fuels more efficiently - we can reduce our reliance on foreign energy sources, boost the productivity of our industries, and insulate families and businesses from the effects of politics and unrest in countries a world away. No one energy source is the answer to all of our problems - a balanced, diversified energy supply from here in the U.S. is our best course.

American Resolve
Americans - and Mainers in particular - are already dedicated to and taking the lead in creating a “green” culture. Environmental stewardship is a movement that’s becoming a part of daily life for millions of people, and your government should do all it can to empower you in those efforts. I feel strongly that Americans who power their homes or businesses with solar, wind, or other alternative sources should receive significant tax credits to offset the cost of their responsible energy usage - and, those who purchase cars such as hybrids or fuel-efficient diesels should not only receive a federal tax rebate, but have the opportunity to deduct the interest paid on their vehicle loans from their federal income taxes (just like they do with their mortgage). In the meantime, let’s also reach out to those who may need help most. I support a tax credit of up to $4,000 for New Englanders and other Americans facing cold winter months. This tax credit would be used as a reimbursement for individuals purchasing home heating oil or investing in non-petroleum based supplements or conversions to their home’s energy system.

It’s time to send a clear message to the world that we are serious about addressing our energy needs. It’s time to send a clear message to Washington that we’re serious about taking action NOW to harness American resources and American ingenuity.

I’m ready to take a stand. I’m ready to get to work. Are you?

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